Do magnetic insoles work?

magnetic insoles

What are they?
These are insoles that have magnets embedded in them allegedly so that a magnetic field can be applied to the body. This allegedly has healing properties. Some of the claims for this are suggested to be due to magnets improving blood supply.

Do magnetic insoles work?
No they don’t. Every single study that has been done on them shows that they do not work. They are a scam and there is no mechanism by which the could work. The magnetic field in the magnets used in therapy devices are too weak to affect blood flow. They are no better than snake oil.

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Foot Reading

Foot reading has become a recent trick doing the rounds at parties. There is a group of people known as foot readers who claim that they can determine a person’s personality by reading and looking at the characteristics of someone’s feet. There are plenty of books on this and there are plenty of people charging money to provide the service. It is a scam. It is a sham. The claims made by foot readers are ludicrous and are not to be believed. They are charlatans out to fleece your money.

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Functional Hallux Limitus

What is it?
Functional hallux limitus is a problem in which the range of motion of the big toe (“hallux”) joint is limited (“limitus”) when the foot is weightbearing (“functional”). The limitation is not there when the foot is up in the air or non-weightbearing. As this joint is extremely important for walking and allowing the body to move forward over the foot, things are going to go wrong if the foot can not move at this joint. Overpronation, a toe out gait, a more flexed knee are just some of the consequences of functional hallux limitus. A hallux rigidus is different in that the range of motion is restricted both on weightbearing and on non–weightbearing.

How to manage it?
This is pretty close to impossible to self-diagnose, let alone self manage!

When to see the doctor?
If you think you have it, then it is probably a good idea to get to the doctor. Padding and/or foot orthotics are often needed to facilitate the motion at the joint to encourage a more normal git.

For more, the two best resources would have to be Podiatry Arena and Podiatry FAQ.

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How to Treat Bunions


What is it?
A bunion is an enlargement of the joint at the base of the big toe and is almost always accompanied with a hallux valgus, that is the deviation of the big toe to rewards the lesser toes. The enlargement of the joint creates problems with pain in the joint and pressure on the enlarged joint from the footwear. This can be due to an arthritis in the joint because of the deviation and the pressure from footwear can cause a bursitis swelling and pain. There is often corns on the adjacent toes. The most common cause of bunions is generally considered a combination of genetics, forefoot biomechanics combined with inadequate fitting footwear. Lots of questions get asked online about bunions and lots of different answers get given.

How to manage it?
As the pain from bunions is from two sources a different strategy is needed to manage it.

If the pain is due to the arthritis type symptoms inside the joint then the approach to this is generally the use of medication for pain relief and exercises to keep the joint mobile.

If the pain is due to pressure from the shoes on the enlarged joint then the approach is to use better fitting footwear and to use doughnut like pads to keep the pressure off the joint.

There is no way to make a bunion go away without surgery, all that can be done conservatively is to manage the symptoms using the two approaches outlined above. Generally this will be successful.

When to see the doctor?
It will be necessary to see the doctor for bunions if the Conservative self managed measures are not successful, in which case better advice can be given on how to self manage the problem. The other reason to see the doctor is that if these conservative measures are not successful or if you need surgery. Surgery is the only way to remove a bunion. There is also a high possibility that a bunion can occur after the surgery if the factors that cause the bunion, such as poor fitting shoes, are not addressed.

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An Abductory Twist

What is it?
An abductory twist, also sometimes called a medial heel whip is a sudden abduction or medial ‘whip’ of the heel just as the heel comes off the ground during gait. The cause is generally considered to be a foot that is overpronating when the leg is rotating in the opposite direction. These opposing motions continue to oppose each other until the weight comes of the heel and friction then can not stop the foot pronating it. There is also some thought that it could be due to a weakness of the adductor muscles in the hip.

How to manage it?
It is managed by managing the underlying cause of the overpronation and exercises to strengthen the hip adductor muscles.

When to see the doctor?
When the self managed treatment of the overpronation are failing to help. You will need to be assessed fro the exact cause that is underpinning it and a plan put in place to manage it.


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What is it?
Overpronation is a problem that occurs when the ankle rolls inwards and the arch of the foot flattens. It is widely known in the running community and is widely assumed to be associated with a number of different running injuries, though there is a lot of debate about that. Overpronation has also been the basis in which running shoes are often used, though there is a lot of debate about that as well! Overpronation is not always a problem and there is a lot of misunderstanding about it. It can be associated with an abductory twist.

How to manage it?
As overpronation is not always a problem it does not always need treating. If it is contributing to a problem that you have, then yes it needs treating. The problem with overpronation is that there are many different casues, so there are many different treatments. The first line approach is to use supportive shoes and inserts.

When to see the doctor?
If that does not help, then you really need to see someone who knows enough about pverpronation to determine the casue, so can advise the appropriate treatment. Fpr some people it is muscle strengthening; for others it is foot orthotics; for others it is strecthing; and for others it is a more minimalist approach to running. To blindly apply one treatment ahead of another without determining the cause is just plain silly.


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Do Toning Shoes Help?

What are they?
Toning shoes area class of footwear that is what is considered unstable. They have designs in the sole that creates an environment in which the muscles of the foot and leg work harder and changes the alignment of the posture. The extra effort from the muscles is claimed to give an extra tone up, which is how the shoes got there name. The change in alignment also is claimed to help with some postural alignment problems. There is a lot of marketing hype associated with these shoes which is not supported by the scientific evidence.

Do they help?
The problem with toning shoes is that they help some people and do not help other people. Some people can walk fine in them, others fall over in them! They are more likely to help people with arthritis of the big toe joint than other problems. Some of the companies claim they help plantar fasciitis, but some people get plantar fasciitis using these shoes.

It is difficult to give clear advice on this. It is going to have to be a matter of trial and error to see if they can help your foot problem or not. If you want to try them, then the key os to use them only in small amounts initially and build up the use of them gradually.

For more, see:
Toning Shoes Today
Foot Info
Toning Shoes Market

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Achilles Tendon Rupture

What is it?
This occurs when the Achilles tendon tears, most often during sport when the knee is extended and the ankle dorsiflexes. The load during this can be too high for the tendon to take and it then tears. You know when it is happened as there is a gap in the tendon and you can’t raise up on your toes when standing.

How to manage it?
Put ice on it and get to the doctor. There is nothing you can do yourself!

What will the doctor do?
They will do one of two things. It will either be put in a cast or walking brace or it will be operated on. All the research has shown that the outcomes of the two methods are exactly the same, so it probably does not matter which methods is used.

Further information.
Also see: PodiaPaedia.

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Peroneal Tendonitis

Peroneal tendonitis is an overuse injury that happens in athletes. It can be a very persistent problem if not managed properly. The function of the peroneal muscles on the outside of the leg function to support the function of the foot on the ground and stop the foot from supinating or rolling outward at the ankle joint. This means that peroneal tendonitis is more common in those that want to roll outwards more at the ankle joint such as those with a higher arch profile. The symptoms tend to be in the tendons just about or just below the outer ankle bone (lateral malleolus). Only sometimes is there any swelling in the early stages.

How to manage peroneal tendonitis:
First the running has to be modified to reduce activity levels to a level that can be tolerated. Another activity such as swimming and cycling can be substituted to maintain fitness. ICE and other physical therapies can be used after the activity. The key to managing peorneal tendonitis is to use a lateral heel wedge, probably made of a rubber, in the shoe that is higher on the outside to stop the foot from wanting to roll outwards. This means that the peroneal muscles do not have to work as hard.

When to see the doctor:
When the above does not help, see the doctor.

Podiatry Update | Clinical Boot Camp | Podiatry TV | Foot Info | Run Research Junkie

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Kohlers Disease

Kohlers disease is a problem if the growing navicular bone in the feet of children. It is due to an interruption of the blood supply to the bone. As the bone is at the top of the arch of the foot, it takes considerable load during walking so this disruption to the blood supply leads to a softening and deformity in the bone. The most common age of onset is around 5 years of age and it presents with pain over the top of the arch, sometimes with some swelling and it may lead to a limp.

What to do for it?
Don’t do anything, go to the doctor.

Podiatry Arena

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